Professional Organizations for Dialysis Technicians
Professional organizations exist for most every job in the medical field. In fact, professional organizations exist for most all career fields. As a dialysis technician this is no different and there are several organizations that are geared toward the dialysis tech. Before we discuss the various organizations, first let’s answer the question of why you should join professional organizations in the first place.
There are several good reasons to join a professional organization. Below are the main reasons to do so:
- You can meet other like-minded people
- You can gain access to speakers and other experts in your specific field
- Adding membership to a professional organization to your resume is always a good thing
- You can get discounts on publications and other information that will help keep you current in your field
- It is a good place to gather professional references
- It is a good way to network with others when you are in search of work
- Most professional organizations will offer free training in the form of actual workshops or webinars
- It is an excellent way to show off your talents and background to prospective employers that are doing random searches for applicants
Now that you know the benefits of being part of a professional organization, we can now look at the organizations that you as a dialysis technician can become involved with!
American Society for Artificial Internal Organ (also known as ASAIO):
This organization brings people of many fields together to discuss various topics in their fields. It not only includes dialysis technicians but scientists, doctors in all fields, engineers, etc. that are dedicated to keeping the study of artificial organs evolving. There are about 800 members currently and they come from 30 different countries. The benefits of belonging to this organization include a free online peer reviewed journal, invitations to their yearly conference, and open access to all information on the ASAIO website that is meant only for registered members.
National Kidney Foundation:
The mission of the NKF is to dedicate themselves to the prevention of kidney disease and how to help patients and their families’ mange health issues in their lives. They are also advocates for kidney donations. They have a special membership for nurses and technicians in the medical field. When you become a member you gain access to new and updated facts, tools and much more. You will be provided with the latest information from the Council of Nephrology Nurses and Technicians, in addition to access to four medical professional journals. You can also nominate and be nominated for awards and grants for professional research.
National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse:
The NKUDIC’s mission is to give information about the diseases of the kidneys as well as those of the urologic system as a whole to help those who have these diseases and to those caring for those with these conditions. This organization distributes publications to patients and their families and provides them with education and support. The benefits of membership to this organization include workshops, publications and continuing education in their field.
National Association for Nephrology Technicians/Technologists:
NANT is an organization for the advancement of education. It gives its members the opportunity to learn as much as possible about their field including new developments. The benefits of memberships include four newsletters each year, discounts of certain publications for each area of practice, discounted fees for attending conferences and webinars, a subscription to the top nephrology magazines, membership card, and more.
This is a non-profit organization that acts independently with its research to improve upon the quality, safety and cost effectiveness of care needed by all patients. Their evidence is unbiased and educates people in the medical field on drugs, medical devices and procedures. ECRI is made up of over 5,000 medical professional organizations from a variety of different fields.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases:
The NIDDK supports and conducts both clinical and basic research on diseases that affect a large portion of society. In addition to their research they put together conferences and share trial information with other colleagues. Being part of this organization allows you access to possible grants, research funding and outreach to other professionals who are doing the same type of work you are.
International Society for Nephrology Technicians and Technologists:
The ISNTT is a professional association that embraces educators, biomedical technologists, suppliers, patient care technicians and more to raise the standards of treatment and education for those who give treatment to those who are experiencing renal failure. These things are accomplished though as series of set initiatives. The benefits of membership include discount fees on continuing education programs, study guides, professional news briefs, networking abilities and more.
American Nephrology Nurses’ Association:
ANNA is one of the leading organizations bringing nursing and nephrology together for a common cause. Their mission is to promote appreciation and excellence in the field of nephrology nursing in order to make a real difference for those suffering with kidney disease. It was founded in 1969 and now boasts over 10,000 members. Membership benefits include a subscription to the Nephrology Nursing Journal, career building educational programs, access to grants, awards and scholarships, networking opportunities and much more.
These are just a few professional organizations that are open to dialysis technicians. For a full listing you can visit http://www.renalweb.com/topics/technical/technical.htm#webresources where you will find a plethora of other information that is geared towards dialysis techs and others in the medical field. Consider joining at least one of these professional organizations as it can only help your future and career.
Source by Stephanie Gardner